Every day, every adventure, every phone call, every encounter, every moment, lies infinite promise of revelation.
To re-member our ego with our soul through individual expression (s). To re-unite our soul-selves with our human-selves to become our one-self. Yesterday, my adventure to the Herkimer Diamond Mines, gave me once again another revelation. A beautiful Sunday morning, sun shining with a light breeze, pail, and hammer to dig and capture my treasures in hand, sneakers and loose-fitting clothes for comfort, gas in the car, GPS on, Aunty Robin co-piloting, excitement for the adventure, full speed ahead. As typical with all long drives, (2 hours is a lifetime in a car for me), conversation passes the time away. Chatting on about life, kids, jobs, daily life, the occasional heartfelt laugh and giggles galore, the distance closing in, happiness overflowing. This is the most significant part of any adventure. Communication. The ease of friendships. The joy of the moment. It was in this ease of the drive that my phone gave a bit of a ring, and my daughter’s voice popped into the conversation via the miracle of Bluetooth. Paige had 5 days earlier embarked on her own road trip from San Diego to Montana and back. My daughter, the soul of a traveler, had time off from and chose to set off through the deserts and mountains of the midwest. SOLO “Hey, Paige! How goes your road trip”? “MOM! MY CAR DIED”! {fuck}. “Okay, breathe, look around you, where are you? What happened? You are safe. We will figure this out”. And so, begins a bit of unease. The momentary feeling of doom and disaster, worry, fear, confusion, prayer. (Team Jen, find Team Paige and help them, God, keep her safe, Mom, wipe her tears, Archangel Michael, see if you can fix that car.) Yes, I can pray, worry, swear, and feel impending doom all while sounding brilliantly calm and reassuring. “Paige, I am on the road in the middle of upstate NY, I will call Dad and Alex. They will get you the information for AAA, send you money via Venmo if needed, do all the things from home you may need until I can pull over without hitting a cow or losing cell service.” Nothing else I can do but move forward. Alex sent her money, Tim got her AAA under control, we all check in every 15 minutes while she waits for the tow truck, and Aunty Robin and I continue our path to hunt diamonds. Ace Diamond Mines here we are. Buckets and hammers in hand, thousands upon thousands of rocks to bang, diamonds to find. All while in constant contact with Paige and the unraveling saga of a $500 car and what may possibly be a shot engine. As I wandered the incredible amount of rocks and considered the what-ifs of Paige’s situation and its impact on her next few days/weeks, I once again asked for help from the other side . I asked again to keep her safe, to help her figure this out, to ease her burdens, blah, blah, blah. I already requested 1,000 times. Once is enough. I’ve been heard. I just keep boomeranging prayers. It was at this moment I saw a smallish stone with a bit of glitter. Curious, I picked it up and turned it over and there it was. A heart. I always get a heart when I am pondering life on life’s terms. It is always sent in love and always a reminder that the answers, although usually hidden from sight, are still available to me and are always perfect. I showed Aunty Robin, and we continued our quest to find the perfect stones, our treasures. Throughout the day, Paige and I would chat. Her car now safely at an auto mechanics shop waiting for the morning to learn more, Paige safely, albeit unhappily, in a $50 cheap hotel room with a halfway decent pizza and a case of water coupled with a six pack of beer because seriously, this situation sucks. After about 6 hours of digging and not really finding much in the way of treasure, we packed up our hammers and gloves and headed back home. Full of chatter, full of laughter, much reminiscing, and plans for another adventure. Goodbyes said, the shower taken, Roy walked and fed, I finally sat down to look intently at the Diamonds I did find or were given to me by the lovely lady wanting the bigger diamonds and giving me her littles. I pondered my day again and held my heart stone close. I found myself feeling its texture, noticing its imperfections, color, coolness, beauty. I put it with the diamonds and then sat back again lazily absorbed in its display. “Do you see beyond the shine, Jennifer”? “Do you finally understand what you have been hearing these past few months”? “What is seeking to express itself through you”? “What is seeking to emerge from within”? “What shell are you finally able to release around you which will allow yourself to shine”? And there it was. A reminder of the meaning of life. It is never about the treasure; it is never about the adventure without setbacks. A big part of life is about knowing there will always be something deep within your being, hidden within your past, your illusions, your shell, your fears, your nightmares, your ego, which is seeking to express itself through you. A talent, a potential, a spark, a dream, a wish, a hope, a gift, a desire, an expression of greatness, whatever your unique and individual seeds are within the dark, hard, and cold shell within, patiently waiting to be exposed through you and as you. There will forever be easy ways to find little sparkles on the surface, just hanging out waiting to be discovered. And while these sparkles bring much significance in our lives, the treasures, which there are many, will need to be chiseled at until they reveal themselves with such magnitude, such beauty, such strength, such love, such shine, we never will hide that expression of self again.
![]() Years ago, I, along with most of us who vibed this vibe, was introduced to the Law of Attraction as a way of living a more full, more affluent, more abundant life and more peaceful life. In this first introduction, I learned that "thoughts make things" and "change your thoughts, change your life." While this is a very, very good beginning point to moving onto another path of our journey, it is just that, the beginning steps on a long and glorious way of self-discovery and self full-fill-ment. Remember this word, fulfillment. It will matter in a bit. There was a time in my life where the rabbit hole I had dug myself into seemed way to deep and far to black ever easily to remove myself from. I had dug this hole without a shovel, without any real knowledge of doing it, and certainly without any intention at all. No-one intentionally intends to dig a hole so deep they can't find a way out, yet this is precisely what we do, and we do it unconsciously. Like so many journeys our human self takes, we take them unconsciously. This is why "change your thoughts, change your life" is such an important beginning step. When the choice is finally made to take stock in where you are, what you have chosen to bring into your life, the people, the places, the external circumstances of life that are now eating at your inner self, our thoughts shift. When we start consciously choosing to think differently, we will begin to notice circumstances shape-shifting into more beneficial, more enjoyable, and more peaceful avenues to walk down. This type of thought process helps remove us from the VICTIM mindset, which is the pattern our ego uses to keep us believing that external circumstances prevent us or determines our destiny. When we are in VICTIM IDENTITY, we dig the rabbit hole. Quickly. Without intention. Using the Law of Attraction, we begin to MANIFEST our new paths. We begin to chose differently, using our mental power, to describe the world we want to "See" for ourselves. Our motivation to change our external circumstances begins us on a path of imagination. Affirming, through words and thoughts, we begin to visualize our future selves in a more positive, more FEEL-FULL-MENT way. Our thinking starts to change, so our lives begin to change. We become Goal and Task Oriented. We follow the "SHOULD BE" model that books, self help gurus, movies and therapists tell us we "should be", and BOOM! Another Rabbit Hole is dug. This rabbit hole is much more beautiful than the Victim Rabbit Hole. It has pretty things, sunshine, blankets, happy people, money, and even more things we imagine into our being. SO...why are we still Un-Full-Filled at this stage? The Law of Attraction tells us that if we just "think it," we can "be it" and "have it" ! This is where it becomes tricky and where most of us get stuck. We begin to linger in the "Should Be" state of life. I "Should Be"... Rich, happy, married, traveling, have a business, have a career, have a...whatever the hell you think your should be, perfect life tells you to have. Perfect life, equipped with the perfect pill and the perfect drink so we can live the should be illusion forever because we are supposed to be..... Sooner or later, your soul finds a way to whack us upside the head and remind us there is more. This is where we begin to realize that "thoughts may indeed become things," but "things" aren't what brings us joy, love, light, and happiness. At this point on my journey, I learned that yelling over and over "WTF, GOD! I CHANGED MY THOUGHTS, I CHANGED MY LIFE, WTF!!!" may not have been the easiest way to move forward, but it did work. My soul brought the student me to the teachers I needed for this next step. CHANNEL CONSCIOUSNESS. This is where I learned to Surrender. Albeit the harsh and long path way, but I did learn. I learned to live in the Zone of a Universal Presence, a Life Intelligence who has never been born and will never die lead me. Now, this is not in a religious, head down, bow to the big guy in the Sky with the Big J sitting next to him lead the way to follow. It isn't a don't kill the spider, ant, fly or gnat while sitting crossed knee in the middle of the ocean with the sun beating down on me while I burn begging for enlightenment way either. No, this was an "I can not do this with just my thoughts anymore" sort of way. I surrendered my need to "figure it out" and allowed Universal Intelligence to guide me by slowing down my mental chatter. I stopped pursuing life as a Sprinter. I stopped looking to acquire externally and began researching my life internally. Intentionally going internally to understand eternity. I still visualized, I always set goals and did the tasks to reach those goals, but It wasn't from MOTIVATION, which comes from external circumstances, the mind, the individual or the things happening outside of me. I visualized from INSPIRATION, which comes from the Mind of the Infinite. What our SOUL NEEDS not what our Ego desires. Once I chose to slow motion my life, I began meditating, breathing, listening, following the strands of Divine Intervention, seeing with eyes behind my eyes, hearing with ears behind my ears, feeling with a heart behind my heart, my slow-motion thoughts became "Flow Motion" living. This is where I began to Understand Life itself lives through us as unique expressions of itself through our soul. This is now where I attempt to live daily. In the BEING. In this state we understand the "I AM AS US." or as my Catholic upbringing taught me rather unsuccessfully, "Thou art and I am and I am Thou Art." This is the state of Being where we are no longer just Task Oriented or Goal Oriented, we are Purpose-Oriented. This is the state where we have our Satori, or "Aha" moment that tells us our lives revolve around Kensho which is the slower awakening of our Souls that is ever eternal., ever evolving. In Kensho, we slowly release that which no longer serves us. We begin to learn that to really be FULL-FILLED we need to stop looking to FEEL-FULL. In this VISIONING State, we learn who we are "Meant to Be." This long and winding road brings us more prosperity, more joy, more love, more health, more wealth, more peace, more freedom, more engaging relationships, more creativity, more excitement, more awe-mazement, more In-sight, more Full-fill-ment and more of all you have ever hoped, dreamed and desired with the added joy of knowing, really knowing we will never, ever be without because it is already given. I said attempt because life is a practice in patience, love, and understanding. In order to Re-Member our soul's purpose, we need to practice daily self- love, self-acceptance, self -understanding in a "Soul-Flow Motion" of Being. The twist and turns, peaks and valleys, sunrises and sunsets of life can often leave us to feel lost, confused and even conflicted. We see our path that was once so clear become fuzzy, unclear, changed. Our confidence can be shaken with an illness, a loss, an unexpected cost. These potholes along our journey can sometimes threaten to engulf the peace we have created with fear and uncertainty. Even the good things can cause an unexpected disruption; finding out you are finally pregnant, a dream job in a new state, a lottery win, a marriage, a new home. The list is endless. When these crossroads find us, and they will, Tarot will offer the guidance to navigate the road ahead with valuable insights to help make decisions in a natural and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way. Tarot helps us to identify the reasons for our feelings. Often we feel sad or upset about something that may or may not show itself clearly. On the surface level, we may believe we know the reason, but with Tarot helps we are more able to dig out the root of these feelings once and for all. Tarot can also help us make potentially life-altering decisions in which the process can sometimes be very stressful. Tarot readings help ease some of this stress by guiding us to see all angles from many different perspectives. A single message from a Tarot reading may be all that is needed to make this decision in a more balanced and positive way. A Tarot reading is especially useful when we are stuck in a situation that no longer serves our highest and best good. This could be a job, a relationship, our environment, our health, or life in general where we no longer feel in the flow of life. Tarot is also an incredibly useful tool to help us understand the people we surround ourselves with and those who appear in our lives by chance or circumstances. Tarot can offer us advice on how best to vibrate with these people or help us determine whether we need to vibe somewhere else. Tarot helps us talk to our loved ones on the other side. We can ask them questions and receive answers through the cards using certain spreads or just a few cards. Tarot can also help us by merely pulling a card in the morning to start our day. This daily practice offers us quiet time in the morning to center and ground ourselves, think of the day ahead while creating a blueprint of the path in which we aspire the day to be. This simple act of pulling a Tarot card each day will set us up for success by helping our intuition work as a tool to nudge our mind in the right direction. Tarot gives us a starting point-a message- that can take us in whatever direction we feel called by the card. By listening to and trusting the first thought that pops into our head when seeing the card expands and strengthens our intuitive muscle while offering us a message that is more than likely what we need to hear at the moment. By strengthening our intuitive muscle daily, we will start seeing other fantastic benefits, like better decision making, clearer thinking, internal dialogue and trust rather than the external need for validation, as well as knowing we are more than capable of making our lives more enjoyable by empowering ourselves with clear purpose and intention. As you can see, Tarot can be the exact tool we need to ensure the proper conditions are met to help the seeds we plant in our garden grow strong, vivid, healthy, beautiful, vibrant and nourishing with minimal weeding. To learn more about the role Tarot can play in your life contact Jennifer Belanger Intuitive Medium and Tarot Practitioner 3 Charms 25 Main Street 2nd Floor Chatham, NY https://www.energytouchintuition.com My commute to work is a lovely back road scenic drive over the "mountain" as we from Berkshire County, MA call it as we travel to Columbia County, NY.
It is exactly what you see in picture books, coffee table books and images of backroads and the path less traveled documentaries depicting the simpler way of life. The fields leading way to the distant Berkshire Hills and eventually the Catskill Mountains. The farmers on their John Deere, farm stands every few miles with trust buckets to leave your cash take your veggies, coolers with fresh eggs, vintage containers with freshly picked flowers, cows and llamas mingling in fields, birds and turkeys picking off the berries along the road, and little to no real traffic to be concerned of. This drive is but one of the many joys of living in my piece of rural America or as my friend, Jennifer Mach, commonly refers to "the 413". Four days a week, twice a day, I am able to enjoy the quiet time on this road contemplating my day ahead, talking to my guides, hearing their answers, listening to fantasy football talk radio tell me how to win big even though I never do, listening to music. It is an extraordinary time twice a day for reflection and guidance which brings me to the point of this musing. Last week, being the end of the regular football season, and deciding I needed some music rather than talk, I tuned into the Billy Joel radio station for a change of headspace and was greeted almost instantly by "An Innocent Man". Some people stay far away from the door If there's a chance of it opening up They hear a voice in the hall outside And hope that it just passes by "Huh". I had been spending time wondering why we as humans have such a difficult time separating the ego from the soul. Attempting to truly understand the difference to easily differentiate between the "I" in the "I am" and the "EEK" in the "Ego." Once again, Spirit led me to music for a greater understanding. Some people live with the fear of a touch And the anger of having been a fool They will not listen to anyone So nobody tells them a lie I know you're only protecting yourself. "Protect me from what?" Freedom. Freedom to be, to let, to allow, to live. Freedom to choose your life on your terms. Freedom to love rejection as much as you love reward. Freedom to allow the ebbs and flows of life and all its ups and downs, strangers and friends, lovers and foes to come and go with the same freedom. Freedom to know unconditional love, acceptance. Freedom to learn all there is to learn about you without caution or criticism. Freedom. "I get that. Free Will, the Magician, the Wheel of Fortune, The Secret, I've read the books. There has to be more." Some people see through the eyes of the old Before they ever get a look at the young Some people say they will never believe Another promise they hear in the dark Because they only remember too well They heard somebody tell them before "It is hard to trust. Lies are everywhere. Humans lie." Some people sleep all alone every night Instead of taking a lover to bed Some people find that it's easier to hate Than to wait anymore I know you don't want to hear what I say I know you're gonna keep turning away "I'm not turning away. You are not hearing me! Give me a better understanding. There is more to it than Freedom. It isn't that easy." There isn't more than Freedom, and it isn't that easy. Freedom isn't something you read and learn from books, it is learned from experiencing all life has to offer while remaining non-judgemental, un-affected by the illusion seeming negativity. I'm only willing to hear you cry Because I am an innocent man I am an innocent man Oh yes I am "Yeah, well being Human isn't as fun as you portend it to be. There are no college bills due in Heaven.." You know you only hurt yourself out of spite I guess you'd rather be a martyr tonight That's your decision But I'm not below Anybody, I know If there's a chance of resurrecting a love I'm not above going back to the start To find out where the heartache began Apparent Negativity, senseless worry, fear, living in the Ego mind is not Freedom, it isn't loving, it isn't SOUL. "It is living in a material world in which we must live as humans to survive." If all you want to do is survive, sure. I thought by now you understood Humans are all here to thrive. Some people hope for a miracle cure Some people just accept the world as it is But I'm not willing to lay down and die Because I am an innocent man I am an innocent man Oh yes I am An innocent man "What are you attempting to convey?!" I am an innocent man Oh yes I am An innocent man "Are you telling me YOU are the innocent man?!" No, I am telling you, YOU are the innocent man. “Why did I never see this ornament before?”
“Have you always had it?” my girlfriend asked during our annual Christmas get together. “For years” I replied. “It was my grandmother’s, and when she passed, I took a few of the ornaments she loved for my tree.” “Wow! I never noticed it before, and I always come by to see your tree!” “Why is that?” Why is that? The simple answer, I believe, is because we don’t look. We see the beautiful colors of the tree and notice the ornaments quickly in the same way we discern the rain, the snow, the trees, the grass, the sun, and the moon. We see the terrain in front of us in a significant form. We notice the mountains and the stars without much thought. We notice every aspect of what we see, but do we really look? It is so easy to see without looking. To live without living and the be without being. It is in the details we get lost… I am guilty of this practice far too often. I have to catch myself daily to step away from the grand picture and focus on the minute. To see the ornaments in all their glory, with their stories, memories, hopes, and history rather than the Christmas Tree as a whole. I have to remind myself when I am concerned with the next big step to make sure I tie my shoes first. I have to remember when I see something beautiful the detail inside of that beauty. Seasons remind us of the natural cycle of life in which all comes together in a magical display only through the tiniest of detail. The snowflakes blanket our lands but only under a microscope do we see their magnificence. The sun shines down upon us in the heat of the summer, but only when a rainbow appears after a rain shower does we see the miracle of light. The colors of the fall take our breath away, but do we stop to smell the fall? Hear the crackle of the leaves under our feet, and the see the color of each leave fallen? Flowers bloom in the spring but not before the first sprout of green begins. We are always thinking ahead...thinking what is next, where do I go, how will I get there and a billion other really useless questions that somehow garner much more attention than they deserve. What deserves our attention is the details, the moments, the microscopic details that forge our lives. We are so enthralled by the “big-ness” of life that we sometimes trample over the foundations of it. My friend and I chatted about what we think next year will hold for us and then, after our chat we laughed about how it will be so different than what we believe because we can look at the canvas our minds eye will show us, but the details man, those pesky details are what is running the show. My resolution for 2019 is nothing grand at all. I am not vision boarding a successful business, money in the bank, friends at the dinner table, family around the hearth. I am not resolving to lose weight, exercise more, do more or be more. I resolve to notice the Angel in the details. I resolve to see the aphids on my roses in the spring...and dowse them with dishwater..darn things love my white roses. To see the rainbow in the raindrop shimmering off the spruce tree needles in the summer. To see the designs of snowflakes frozen on my window in the morning before scraping them off. I do need to drive to work…. To hear the crackle of life under my feet when I walk. To see the bees gathering nectar from the bushes outside my window as well as recognize the buzz of the hummingbirds rather than just noticing their beauty. I resolve to take tiny steps on my journey. Hear each note the Universe plays, see each sun ray sent my way. I resolve to BE without worry of BEING. I resolve to breathe more deeply because in the exhale the world becomes a better place. I resolve to take these three pills of health daily. Stillness, Spaciousness, and Silence. May 2019 be a blessing of peace to us all and may your resolutions be detailed. Years ago I offered profound wisdom to my eldest niece, Court, when she was having difficulties.
She was trying to understand some circumstances in her life in which she wasn't sure if it was "her" or "them" and how to determine the difference. My words of wisdom were simple; "A pound of shit with a pound of sugar on it is still shit." "Your job is not to taste it,no matter how tempting it looks and to not step in it." A few nights ago she called looking for some Aunty advice and support which needed a bit more thought than my usual quick thinking, Super Aunty Gemini, glib bumper-sticker statement. This time she needed Aunt Jennifer and damn did that scare me. This kid is my Superstar. She has a strong will, a kind heart, a go for it attitude, just enough sass and ego, and the stature of a fairy complete with pink hair. Or is it orange this week...or yellow. I can never keep up with her hairstyles or her tattoos which only serve to define her magical nature.She is an exemplary example of the phrase "when life gives you lemons you make lemonade." She not only made lemonade, but she also sweetened it with two gorgeous children, (with the help of her husband), a career as a highly in-demand stylist/colorist on a rock we all know as Hawaii. Yes, she made very delicious lemonade from some horrifically tart lemons. This is why when she asks me for support and advice, she gets 1000 percent of me. This phone call centered around her beginning to understand that sometimes, no matter how much we try, we will inevitably step in the shit of our own making and it will prove to be the most perfect soil to grow from. See, many times we make a choice or do an action that causes a crack in our well-constructed foundation that will require more than a plop of cement on the masonry. It requires a complete teardown and rebuild. This is when we take that shit, mix it with some of that soil we had built our foundation on and grow a brand new lemon tree! Yes, damn it, a lemon tree, because you know what? You can add sugar to lemons and make a sweet tea, or you can be bitter, resentful and stagnant with puckered lips because your tea is sour. Your choice. Aunty advice at its finest right there... My niece, like so many of us right now, is starting to understand how to blend her past and her present to create her future. She understands that mistakes are not costly when you choose to grow from them and bad choices are only bad when you don't take the time to understand why they were made. In the same way that history is destined to repeat itself, so will our past in the decisions we make until we learn from it. We have triggers from our past that have the power to destroy our carefully built foundations. They can rip at our hearts, our minds, our souls, churning up our inner demons that have outgrown the small garden space we allow them to grow in our beings. It is at this moment, we feel the shift of wisdom gently weed out that demon and replace it with a new seed of ourselves. Rich in shit, watered with our tears, fed with our desires and out of that seed, a new way of thinking, seeing, living, being, emerges and with this wisdom we are able to make better choices that feed us, nourish us and heal us and help us decide who and what we will allow to trigger us in the future. We need to have fertile soil to grow steadily, but we can decide who and where we get that soil from. We can let those who trigger us go. We can work with our inner child to heal much of our scars. We can choose to love ourselves far more than we need others to like us. We can let go to let in. We can walk new paths and dream new dreams and every now and then, get a new pair of shoes because we stepped in some do-do again. My niece is my Superstar, and her soil is suddenly very well manured for her growth. I am sad for her pain, concerned for the depth of potholes on her path, hoping her map becomes clear, praying the sun and moon offer bright lights for her to follow, but most importantly grateful I have a front row seat to watch her bloom. ![]() Have you ever watched a child take its first steps? More so, participated in the coaxing of that child's first steps? Remember back to the cheering, the praise, the excitement, and anticipation of those first 3 or 4 steps. "You can do it"! "I've got you"! "Keep going"! "Get back up, come to me"! Each time the child stops, falls, pauses, cries, there you are, lending support, cheering, loving, being there, celebrating. Inevitably after a short time of practice, that little rascal begins on a path of curiosity, mischief, wonder, destruction, (child proof locks, anyone), scrapes and bruises and a lifelong of peaks and valleys, planes, trains, and automobiles. In that monumental moment, a toddler was born. A significant life change, pivotal in the entire trajectory of that child's life, but all we see is a baby taking his or her first steps, captured in our memory, stored on marshmallow. At that moment we are happy, the baby, now blooming toddler, awestruck at its achievement. Exhausted by the effort. In awe of its feet, which by now has chosen to chew on. Yes, the very beginning of self-exploration. Freedom from the protective baby front-pack, the jolly jumper, stroller, arms. Freedom to GO! That baby didn't make a chart, write the pros and cons, ask for help, permission, speak to its therapist if now is the right time to attempt walking, check tarot or meditate on the issue. Nope. That baby gave it a shot after observing others and when the time felt right, showed up. Yeah, the kid showed up. The kid took a breath, stood up, waited, held on, pushed off, and went for it. The kid showed up when the time was right. Bravo little person! Bravo! Keep going! Baby steps don't end when you learn to walk. Nope, that is when they begin. Each journey, each dream, each day begins with a step, and when the time is right, we need to take them. It is so easy to forget the baby inside of each of us. We may age, we may not dribble out of a sippy cup anymore, and thankfully we can stop eating creamed spinach out of a jar, but we are still taking baby steps every day. We are still figuring out how to be toddlers without childproof locks. We are scared, we are afraid to fall, we are in need of encouragement, we are curious, and we are always free to choose our journey, and those who are really, really good at yoga can most likely still chew on their feet. The difference is, are we showing up? Are we taking that breath and showing up for ourselves or are we pausing? Are we not paying attention to the timing and letting time fly past us? There will be times we need to pause, to seek help, to find strength outside of ourselves, but more often than not, we just need to show up. Show up for the journey. What steps do you need to take? What are you going to show up for? When are you going to take that first step? How about today. The Universe has your back..take a step. I've been pondering again.
Pondering is one of my favorite pastimes as it can be done while doing almost anything else. I can cook, clean, work, watch tv, lose at fantasy football every Sunday, talk with my husband, hang with my friends, garden, journal, even begin meditation while continually pondering some thought that wanders in and out rather than being present, in the moment, in the miraculous space of now. Yup...I ponder, and I did it again this morning while dogging my morning meditation, only this time it yielded some real fruit. This morning, while aimlessly finding reasons to be way too busy to park my ass and meditate I wandered upon my boy, Roy. Roy. An Olde English Bulldogge with the peaceful soul of Buddha, the whimsical sparkly eyes of a child at play and allergic skin reactions that erupt faster than a pissed Mother Nature pointing her rage at the Hawaiian Volcano, Kilauea, on a dreadful day. My Roy, the soul of a saint, the skin of a devil, a constant reminder that the two continually need to be monitored. His skin is better today, thanks for asking, his ninety lb. body plopped comfortably on the couch enjoying a much-needed nap after his full 9 hours of sleep in which he awoke from just an hour prior. His ability to plop anywhere at any time began my ponder for which I am quite grateful. This has been a year of much movement, much change, much chaos, much angst, and much joy. As all years past and all years future, there is a cycle, a wheel that turns and with each turn we are, as individuals in our own personal lives, either up, down or somewhere in the middle. This year tended to begin down, moving to the middle, and finally a bit towards up. It is the moving up that worries most of my clients and truth be told, myself as well. The fear of change, of movement, of forwarding progress, seems to scare most of us more than being down or somewhere in the middle and that, the being comfortable in the down and uncomfortable in the up is what makes me ponder and clients ask "How"? More often than usual. "How do you, how do I, how does it, how, how, how...." Once again, an answer came in the purest form. Roy. Little Roy, plopped on the couch allowing whatever will be, to be. Patiently allowing this crazy lady who calls herself his mom, run around his home, talking to no-one and always way too loudly, do her stuff while staying comfortably plopped. Observing with one eye opened while I begin dusting dog hair from the floor that will never be without it, and then running up and down the stairs for what seems to be without reason other than to swear when I slip on them. Quietly observing me pouring a cup of coffee that I really, really don't need, recognizing my already heightened intensity, all while knowing I will inevitably leave the cup of too much hype somewhere it doesn't belong while asking a million times to the no-one who is listening "what the hell did I do with my coffee?" Roy, who no matter how red his newly infected ear is, how painful his paw is from another mysteriously erupted sore or how itchy he may be from yet another dry spot on his precious skin, sleeps peacefully knowing he is safe. This is WHY I KNOW the HOW. Roy knows the HOW. Love is how. Roy knows that he is loved so much that all of his needs will be met and all he has to do is relax, and all will be given to him. He will get fed, he will get his medicine, lots of exercise and pats on the head, coconut oil rubbed on his skin, blankets on the couch. His needs always, as if by some miracle, met. He has an unconditional love who takes care of him. He doesn't have to know my name, he doesn't have to pray to me, he doesn't have to beg, plead or even please me to be loved. He just is. So am I, so are we. Loved unconditionally. My love for Roy is so abundant, so deep, I intuitively know what he needs without him asking and his ability to KNOW this love is so deep, so real that he never, ever asks WHY. He just KNOWS. All of Roy's needs are met without him doing much. He gets up for food, lies down for a blanket, barks to be let out, gives kisses for a treat. There are times when he is uncomfortable with his allergies. There are times when he may be hungry, and there are times when he may feel a bit lonely. Sometimes when the lightning is too close to home, he gets scared, and sometimes he doesn't have an immediate response to his barks, but he ALWAYS gets what he needs and wants in what may seem like forever to him, but really, is just a moment or two in the grand scheme of things. No matter what is going on in life, with a little effort, a small gesture, a quick prayer, a short bark, the HOWS will always be met in the most miraculous ways. That LOVE, the love Roy knows, comes from the LOVE that loves me. It is me. That LOVE loves all of us unconditionally. The Love that made us is the Love that lives through us. That LOVE is US! No matter the wheel of fortunes cycle, I am loved, we are loved. We can relax into the knowing that the HOW will be taken care of by Love that loves us unconditionally and will respond to all of our desires, needs, wants, hopes and barks when the time is right, and all we have to do is relax into it. ![]() Sometimes I forget where I am presently and how I got here. I forget that I am a psychic, I forget I am a medium, I forget I am a healer. I like forgetting sometimes. There are times I ignore it all and drive along my road without a thought of where I am, where I was, where I am heading, and how I got on the road in the first place. It is actually easier to forget, quieter, less stressful, less demanding than notice the road I am traveling on. This happened to me last Sunday when one of my most fabulous friends and I were heading to Chatham to put the finishing touches on what I lovingly refer to as my "Spirit Studio." As we casually drifted over the mountain from MA to NY, we happily chatted about our families, our jobs, our friends, our plans, football, and hypnosis. I mentioned that I took a hypnosis course to help people get into a quieter state while treating them using Emotional Freedom Techniques, EFT for short, for pain relief, PTSD, weight loss, etc. She laughed out loud and exclaimed, "Is there anything you can't do?!" I giggled back and said, "plenty." After a moment or two she pensively turned towards me and said, "no, really, is there anything you can't do?" The thoughtfulness of her words, coupled with the softer tone of her voice, made me pause and rethink her question. Again, I responded as I had the first time she asked with "plenty" and I meant it. I can't settle into who I am. I can't be comfortable with what I do. I can't explain what I see. I can't vocalize what I hear without my voice quivering. I can't stop my heart from racing before each client walks through my door. I can't seem to keep my eyes dry when I hear a loved one tell my client they love them and miss them. I can't not react to the seesaw of emotions of my clients during a session. I can't control the pain in my body when my "friends" on the other side show me how or what they have died from. If your loved one smoked, I would cough. If your loved one suffered, I will for a moment too. If they saw it, I see it. If it mattered to them, it matters to me. I can't always turn it off, but I am learning to dim it down. I can't stop yearning to help, to be better, to be "good" or "right" or "legitimate." I can't do a lot, There is plenty I can't do, but what I can do is continue following the road I've been detoured on. Being a Medium, better yet, admitting to being a Medium is not a road I found on a map and decided to sightsee on. As a matter of fact, I wasn't even aware I was a Medium until I got a phone call from a potential client asking me for a psychic reading because one of her friends got a "reading" from me during one of her massages. Of course I laughed it away questioning Bonnie, "What is she thinking? I am not a Medium!" Oh, I dabbled in tarot as a teenager and young adult. I prided myself on "knowing" before others and I even knew I was psychic my entire life. Of course now I know we all are, but for a bit, I was "special." Being a Medium, that is a whole lot different than tossing a card or two on a table in front of a living person and playing the psychic game. Being a Medium is a deep, often lonely transformation from ego to soul in which I could not have prepared myself for had I been told what was happening. Thankfully, for me at least, it was a slow process. I would tell people what I saw while I massaged them not really knowing what I was doing other than being the chatterbox I am known to be. I would see a photo in my head and talk about it. Hear a few words and ask questions about it. My jaw would ache if I didn't say anything or I would drool. Yup, drool on the client lying on the table....not good for business. Eventually I realized I had to come clean with what I saw or wear a bib for the rest of my life. I hate bibs. That first phone call was the catalyst that put me in the passenger seat of the Universe's Prius on a blindingly bright road without a seat belt. A journey of healing, love, upliftment, sadness, fear, confusion and in the end gratitude. This ride I may never be able to understand and will always be slightly afraid of. Who am I fooling, terrified of. A yearning to be more than who I am, to be more than who I dream I can be, and to hold onto a light that if I look too closely into, may absorb me completely. An easier road is where I was found, but this road is where I belong. Travelling any other road, the road not travelled, is something else I can't do, but that I can be ok with. ![]() Sometimes rooms are spooky. Even in our own homes, in the middle of the night, or first thing in the morning, during a thunderstorm, snowstorm, power outage, our own home can give us a feeling of unease. As children, we imagine all sorts of funky and wild things happening under our beds and in our closets. As adults it is no different, we get spooked, and our hair raises, our hearts beat wildly, our breathing becomes quickened, we go into defense mode. We freeze. We offer a quick prayer and usually, for me at least, a prompt promise to Heaven above "God, If you save my ass right now, I will ......." I tend to get a little extreme when I am frightened, so my promises are really, really big. Being in this state can last a moment or a million moments, and as time tends to stand still when our fear is heightened, it really doesn't matter. We are spooked, we are defensive, we are sweating, and we do not see the whole picture. Until of course, we turn on the lights. Bright, beautiful, blinding light illuminating our surroundings, dissolving our fears. Just like that, a flip of a switch and some sort of wire voodoo in the walls of our home bring us back to the reality that we are indeed safe and just a little bit foolish for allowing our imaginations get the better of us. Dreams, desires, wants, hopes, chances, personal needs....these are our spooky rooms. Our hopes and dreams, our deepest desires, the longings of purpose can send our hearts racing and palms sweating. We take that first step into our dream and immediately feel the ground soften under our feet, thinking it is quicksand we jump right the hell out of it and run to safety before realizing it is perfected, rich and fertile soil to grow in. We open the door to our desires and hear the boogeyman growl, so we immediately slam it shut before realizing it is our own voice telling us to stay safe, stay small, stay complacent. We long for something...anything.....yet we don't stop doing what we don't love to know what we do love. We conform to the world around us instead of creating the world we choose to live in. We keep busy to keep safe. We talk about everything that matters little and look for guidance and wisdom from others, from outside of us rather than allowing ourselves to emerge as the wise warriors we genuinely are. We allow ourselves little freedom by living under conditions we have grown accustomed to without any real thought as to why. We live in spooky rooms. We live as we have learned. We are who we think we should be based on our human thoughts, rather than what we really are. We live in wooden homes with contained elements that turn on and off with the flip of a switch. We allow ourselves to dream only in our sleep and if we find ourselves frightened, we flip a switch to illuminate the room to erase our fears, and we go back to our beds and dream of living. We live in spooky rooms. But we don't have to. We can use our imagination and our fears to raise us out of our sleepy, fearful life. We can LIVE with our feet touching the earth knowing it is soft for our users to grow our own gardens, and our souls can awaken our ego to the beauty of Mother Nature and all of her glory. We do not need to live in spooky rooms when we have the sun to warm us and the moon to guide us. We don't need to switch on a light for illumination, we are the light in which we seek. Listen to the fear when you open the door..what is it saying? Why is it saying it? Don't slam the door, jump into it! Complacency and mediocrity are our bogeymen, shut them out, not life. We can be free of the spooky room we have created to keep us safe by living on the edge of our comfort zones. When something sparks us, feel it. When we hear a voice, listen to it, when we are scared, ask why. When we are shaky about our next step, embrace it! Allow the sun to feed our bodies during the day and the moon to guide our souls dreams at night. When we are shaky about our next step, embrace it! The soil of our life is supposed to be dark, creamy, soft, wet, and easily pliable. Without great soil, the sun, and the moon how else would we bloom? ![]() It's a funny card, this 4 of Swords. At first glance I thought, this poor, exhausted knight, sleeping in the sanctuary of his beloved and trusted church is going to be killed by his swords. I always imagined this would be a very unpleasant occurrence for a knight who apparently has faith in his work and trust in his God. Seemed harsh. Then, I looked at this card. I began to examine the surroundings of this knight, the colors of his bed, his clothes, his surroundings. The incredibly beautiful symbolism of this card. What was the actual meaning conveyed in this pure artistry? Of course, I could look the meaning up in my handy dandy library of tarot books or on the numerous sites available on Google, but alas, I don't do easy. It is a curse as well as a gift this "take the long way home" brain of mine. Where a dull pencil and ruler would result in one nail hole to hang a picture, I choose to make roughly six nail holes. When using GPS would make for a more comfortable trip, I decided to take numerous paths just to make sure I know all the ways to get there... I decided to absorb all this card was saying to me over the course of a few days. Thinking over and over and over about the meaning and how it would portray in my life and the lives of others. Each client became the sleeping knight. I wondered what would make someone sleep, in a church, on a golden pillow, below a beautiful stained glass window with swords over his head. Maybe he's dead. What is he thinking? He's NOT thinking. He's NOT praying. He's NOT sleeping. He's NOT under his swords. He's NOT dead. He's RECHARGING his soul. The Knight has absolute faith in his souls work and while all souls are meant to thrive there is an element of struggle and battle. You are a soul having a human experience. You know this, you preach this, the knight never forgets this. The knight places his swords on the wall of his temple. He rests on the bed he has created in his temple. He places his one golden sword beside him while he lies contentedly, prayer hands, face up, in the golden glow of Angels and Illumination. He knows that it is in these times of complete faith, he will know his next step. He meditates in the Cathedral of his soul. Aligning himself with all that is and all that will ever be. I AM Yes! Of course. The 4 of Swords reminds us to put down the swords. The battle well fought and the victory sweet. The time now is to rest, recover, rejuvenate, grow. This card reminds us that, in the words of my Spiritual teacher, Michael Bernard Beckwith, We are at a choice-point in every moment of each circumstance, each activity, spoken word, and thought. Do we live in a minefield or a garden? When we live in a minefield mentality, we explode with the weeds of worry, doubt, fear, lack, and limitation. We must choose to cultivate our inner garden. We must stop looking outside for help. We are sourced and fuelled and funded by a renewable resource, which is within us. It never runs out. It is the Essence of our lives, and the universe corresponds to the nature of our song.” Go within now. Have faith in all that is and all that will be. Allow your soul's growth to take form in whichever way it shows itself. Align yourself with your SOUL-self. Do it now. Jennifer Belanger is an ~Intuitive Tarot Reader~ Medium~ ~Certified Chakra Therapist~ ~Certified Energy Therapist~Licensed Massage Therapist~EFT Practitioner who specializes in Body and Soul Therapies If you would like to work/consult with Jennifer please Contact and Schedule your appointment with Bonnie at 413-499-2419 ![]() "Why is my neck not getting any better?" "I can't keep my shoulders down!" "This pain is starting to kill me." Yeah, I know. My hands need some ice and love from all these necks and shoulders visiting my table. "So, what more are you doing for yourself other than a massage?" "What can I do? If you can't fix this problem, then no-one can." "Let's examine what is happening or has happened in your life that could be a factor in your muscles." This conversation is almost daily in my practice. It is a double-edged sword for a massage therapist. Yes, we love working on those tight muscles and would be standing in the unemployment office if we didn't have clients with "issues in their tissues," but we also want to see our clients be pain-free as well. At this point, is where our life and our muscles meet. When the soul is ignored long enough, it starts speaking with pain. Continual pain that is not from a recent injury or response to a specific situation, sleeping on the couch, painting a ceiling, outdoor activities, etc. are most likely responses from years of pent up emotional pain. Pain that you are now facing but are not able to escape from are emotions that have nowhere to express themselves, or worse, being ignored. A person who has had a traumatic, difficult, angry childhood will be more likely to have low back pain, where the Root and Sacral Chakras are located. Our Root Chakra and Sacral Chakra represent the "Who am I and Where do I belong to my tribe?" that we learn from birth into our early teens. When this Chakra isn't functioning correctly, the pain will become present. A person who has mid back problems will in many cases be suffering from a broken heart or have a lack of self-worth. The "being kicked in the gut" feeling causes a ton of mid back and stomach area pain. Hello, Solar Plexus, are you talking to me? Those who have neck and shoulder problems were very likely not heard as children and young adults were not respected for their words or felt silenced in some way. When the Throat Chakra is not functioning well, teeth, neck, shoulders, sinus', chest pain will become a chronic issue. Headaches? What are your thoughts saying to you? Are you or someone else pounding something into your head? Your Third Eye is looking for some attention. Did you ever wake up with excruciating pain in your hip for no reason? What are you holding back? Where are you unable to move forward or who/ what are you unable to walk away from? Knee pain? "Are you becoming stuck?" "Where do you to become more flexible?" Are your eyes tired? Dry? Itchy? "What are you not seeing?" "Where are you not looking or looking?" These are just a few examples of how chronic pain is an expression of Soul. The Soul will continue to express itself to you; you must continue to learn and grow. Growth is why we are humans. Why we are Souls incarnate into a human body. Our body temple and our Soul will always work together to bring about our highest self. No matter how much it hurts. Jennifer Belanger is a Certified Chakra Therapist~ Energy Therapist~Licensed Massage Therapist who specializes in Body and Soul Therapies If you would like to learn more about the Chakra/Muscle/Soul Connection and how to break through chronic pain Schedule your appointment at 413-499-2419 Happy April!
Sunday brings us the Knight of Cups, With all his lovely energy, the Knight of Cups reminds us that nothing, and I mean nothing, is more worth fighting for than love. Love flowing through us is as important as the blood flowing through our veins. As a matter of fact, love is the blood flowing through our veins. It is what keeps us breathing, what keeps us passionate, excited, happy, moving, alive. Love is who we are and Sunday we will know be reminded of this. Question: How do you give and receive love? Do you recognize love around you and within you? Monday brings us the 10 of Cups. Oh, what a wonderful day filled with joy, peace, laughing and happy children, rainbows glowing down on us, love filling the air. All of our dreams, hope and desires have been met and we are feeling pretty fulfilled. Enjoy this energy. It doesn't come often, but when it does, man oh man is it a wonderful world! Question: How can you allow yourself to overflow with joy? What part of this joy did you partake in? Tuesday brings us the Magician. What kind of magic will; you inspire today? Will you finally learn to balance yourself in all elements of the Universe? Will you learn that your emotional, physical, mental, spiritual, earthly you is all you will ever need to live a magically inspired life? The Magician brings new ways of making life work. Your life work. Using all the tools in which he was born with, the Magician show us that infinite life is possible on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is the day to manifest your vision to life? You have to BE it to SEE it. Question: How are you using your innate gifts to create your vision? Do you manifest your life or do you allow others to manifest for you? Wednesday brings us the Fool. With all this love, the happiness, this new found knowledge of all we are is within us, we are ready to embark on a new path. A path in which we may not know where we are headed or what we will find, but we have all we need in our little red pouch to set us on a grand adventure. Today we take a step into the unknown fearlessly and effortlessly. Question: Where are you headed today? Are you filled with fear or are you the glorious fool who knows nothing can stop him? Thursday brings us the King of Wands. This King is all about action. Inspired action. He knows that whatever the problem, whatever the issue it can be solved by right action. He knows that in order to live a life worth living you must not only look for opportunities, you must act on them. This is the day to "grab the bull by the horns and move forward." Question: What have you decided to DO? What are you now growing in your life? Friday brings us the Queen of Wands. The Queen tells us to nurture our ideas with action and thought. She reminds us that in the light of day we can see growth, but her black cat reminds us that growth also happens in the dark. We need light and dark to be in perfect balance. Use your alchemy skills to blend and balance. Question: Do you have a good balance between work and play? Do you take the time to nurture your dreams and blend them with your daily activities? Saturday brings us The High Priestess This is the card of mysteries and intuition. This card tells us it is time to use our intuition, our gifts, abilities, spirituality to round out this week of movement and manifestation. Continue to follow your instincts, your soul. Continue to meditate, imagine, manifest, move, do and create with love the life you alone chose to live. Question: What do you intuitively know is in your highest and best good for you right now? What mysteries are within you that are seeking to emerge? ![]() The Week ahead in Tarot Monday the Page of Pentacles tells us it is time to actively prepare for the week ahead and beyond. Use this young energy to imagine your week as well as your future and plant those seeds! This is the Law of Attraction Card. “ You have to be it, to see it.” Question: "What would I like my life to look like one year from today and what do I need to "see" and "plant" to be it?" Tuesday tells us with the Ace of Cups that you are pouring over emotionally and it is all good! Give and receive love today. It’s the beginning of a happy, joyous time to open up those feelings again. Question: "How have I been closed up, emotionally and what will I now open my heart to?" "What am I requiring to feel fulfilled emotionally?" Wednesday tells us to put those wands down. Nothing is ever productive from the 5 of Wands until someone says no more. Today is your NO MORE day. Walk away. It is not worth the constant battle. Question: "What situations no longer work for me in my life and what am I now willing and able to walk away from?" Thursday comes with a teaching moment. Listen to the wise guidance of the Hierophant who will steer you right. If you need legal advice, financial advice, career advice, spiritual or love, this is the day to seek and listen. Question: "What is it I am listening to?" "Is it nurturing? Calming? Abusive? Angry? Happy? Helpful?" "Is the advice I am receiving for my highest and best good?" "Is the advice I give for the highest and best good?" Friday brings us Justice. All that planning, all that love, walking away from the fight, listening to the wisdom of another culminates in a fair and balanced outcome and future. Justice is here to tell us we may love it or hate it, but it will be fair. Question: "Where do I need to have fair, just, right and balanced circumstances in my life?" Saturday sparks our creative energy with the Page of Wands. This is the perfect time to bring forth your inner confidence! You know that phrase “fake it ‘till you make it?” Yeah, you’ve got this! Get that orange cape on and be center stage today! Question: "How can I bring creativity, confidence, "swagger" into my life today and always?" Sunday brings balance to us in a beautiful way. We find peace in ourselves, in our relationships, in our careers, in our home, in all areas of our lives. The Two of Cups could take the form of a new partnership/love as well, but based on the weeks cards, I believe it is an amazingly peaceful balance within yourself as well as your outward life. Question: "Am in harmonious with myself?" "Where in my life should I use love to bring about harmonious partnerships?" It is going to be a very productive week with much positive movement, much love, much understanding, much activity, much peace of heart and justice for all. If you would like a private reading, please call Bonnie to schedule at 413499-2419 or order a reading delivered to your e-mail box at https://www.energytouchintuition.com Wondering what early Spring has in store for us?
Me too, so I asked the Tarot! The Queen of Swords is telling us that it is time to cut through any drama, any worries, any issues that are holding us back from living our truest potential. The Queen of Swords uses intellect in all she does and inspires us to remove the emotion and embrace the intellect. She is sassy, she is brilliant, she is a puzzle solver, she is a visionary and she could care less about what anyone thinks and never, ever will let anyone get in her way. She is focused on the Ace of Cups which tells us that a new love, not necessarily a personal love, but a beginning of something that we "fall in love with" causes us to overflow with passion, inspiration, excitement, and wonderment of what could be. This could take form in a new relationship, new career, new home, new move, new idea, new anything that sets our hearts on fire and gets those emotional juices of creativity moving. This hand that offers us this new passion is also guiding us to take the first step into whatever brings you alive. This is the hand of the Universe, my friends, and when the Universe hands you a cup, you drink from it! The 9 of Wands is also facing the Ace of Cups. This fine gentleman has seen his fair share of the battle. He's been through it and he has won or at least is still standing. He is now ready for a change. He is ready to leave the craziness behind him. He is going to embrace his inner Queen of Swords, drop his stick, take some aspirin for his headache, or better yet, get a Chiropractic adjustment and Massage and go move towards the Universal Cup of Happiness! Wands are action cards that are also Spring timing, so take action, cut through the fear with that sword and grab hold of this new opportunity that is being offered to you. The time for planting seeds of change is now! Happy Spring, everyone. See you when the sprouts appear. If you would like a personal Intuitive Tarot reading, Call me at 413-499-2419 or https://www.energytouchintuition.com ![]() The winds of Spring are coming in, and so are the questions regarding love. Will I find love? Will love find me? What does my love life look like? Can you.....LOVE! What is that song? "Love is a many splendor thing." "Love is a many splendored thing It's the April rose that only grows in the early Spring Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living The golden crown that makes a man a king Once on a high and windy hill, In the morning mist Two lovers kissed, and the world stood still Then your fingers touched my silent heart and taught it how to sing Yes, true love's a many splendored thing...." A Sinatra classic. He sings it here. I've always been drawn to "Where do I begin?" Theme from a Love Story? Yes. A real tear jerker. "Where do I begin? To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love he brings to me Where do I start? How long does it last? Can love be measured by the hours in a day? I have no answers now but this much I can say I'm going to need him 'til the stars all burn away And he'll be there...." I love the music, I love the sentiment. Love is a story that changes. Where do I begin? Tarot tells us the story of love. It can tell us about the new love that comes with the Ace of Cups. The simple union of love in the Two of Cups. The fiery passions that consume us as depicted with The Lovers. The devastation of love gone in the Five of Cups. Everlasting love in the Six of Cups, boredom in the 4 of Cups. Don't get me started on the Swords and love. They suck. Royaly. Sometimes we ride the winds of Cups. Sometimes our hearts get diced by the Swords. Sometimes we embrace our inner Wands and fight to the bitter end, and sometimes we lose our way in the Pentacles. More often than not, we have a taste of it all. The highest ups, the lowest lows and the stable in-betweens weave through our relationships causing the story of love to change. How do we deal with it all? That is another Tarot story.... Ready for your story? Check out my tarot offerings under the '3 Charms Online" page or call Bonnie at 413-499-2419 to schedule an in office Tarot Reading. ![]() When I was first studying to be a Massage Therapist, about a million years ago, I mentioned to my instructor I had been seeing a lot of left shoulder injuries which struck me as peculiar, as my left shoulder too was acting up. She reminded me when therapists see a lot of the same injuries occurring in multiple people, it is a signal to pay attention to our own bodies as typically we are or will soon have a similar type of injury. I chuckled and brushed it off as a bit of silliness, not really giving that statement much of my time. I was young, I was beginning a new career, raising a family, fixing muscles and icing my left shoulder. Often. Fast forward 20 years later and I now find myself chuckling at the silliness of not giving that statement much of my time. Of course, my instructor was right. Life reflects back to us what it is we are putting out. Life uses any tool available to get us to pay attention to our own lives in order to live more fully, more wholly. More completely To live a complete life. So when I noticed the 3 of Cups turn up over and over again in almost all of the Tarot Readings during my 4-hour marathon “Ladies Night Out” benefit, on Friday evening, I paid attention. The 3 of Cups; “Ovaries Before Brovaries”, as one of my Tarot teachers, Melissa Cynova loving calls this card, is the epitome of “Ladies Night Out”. This card represents your tribe. That group of people that you know are family even if they aren’t blood. You made them your family, they made you theirs. They’ve got you back, you’ve got theirs. You laugh, you cry, you fight, you love, you drink, you drink more, you call cabs, you laugh more, but most importantly, you pick up the phone when they call and vice versa. After calling it a night and thanking Lauren once again for saving my "no need to plan ahead" ass, I popped in some Lennon and drove home contemplating the event. “Ovaries Before Brovaries” was my theme, “Stand by Me” and, “Nobody told me (there would be days like these)” were my songs, laughter was the mood. I started thinking about how enriching my tribe is to my life. How much I relied on each and every one of them to be the parts of me that I may not always be able to be in order to be whole. Much like the 3 of Pentacles needs different craftsmen to finish the project, the 3 of Cups needs different people to complete US. To understand we are all one, all connected, one on earth, as we are in Heaven. I found myself in a state of gratitude that evening drive home. I thought of my tribe. My chosen family not of blood who, like patches on a big, beautiful, comfy quilt, bring complete and utter joy to whatever is happening in the world. Lauren, who was my savior and wingman on Friday night, taking names, setting time limits and making me almost pee my pants with her dry sense of humor and wise-ass remarks. God, I love her. Carolyn who was on a much-needed vacation in Punta Cana with her tribe and how much I wish she would eat more cookies so I wouldn’t be so damn jealous of how she looks in a bikini. Hell, how she can wear a bikini! Samantha who was undoubtedly practicing for her “Night at the Oscars” show where her amazing voice would be center stage the following evening with tons of adoring fans wishing they had a voice of an Angel and a face of a Star. Donna who was under the weather that evening and wasn’t able to come out to the event, but would without fail, text me the next day wanting to know every detail of my night as "Tarot Extraordinaire" and reprimand me for not getting e-mails from all who signed up for a reading. Kristen who was in Florida getting much-needed vitamin D and continuing Ed credits. All of our hearts are grateful for her quiet, understated brilliance and dedication to her patients and friends. Bonnie, who braved the winter weather to show her support and get a little pampering, would tell me all that I missed that evening while Lauren had me on an every 10 minutes, no exception to the rule, one pee break schedule. Kelly, staying home because “unless there is a fire and the fireman breaks in to pull me off my couch, I do not go out on Fridays, but if you really need me I will." Stacy, “not a chance in hell I’m going to go near a set of Tarot cards or the dead people you talk to, but I support you wanting to do that”. To name just a few of the extraordinary women that I celebrate this journey with. Who give me parts of themselves when I can't find them in my own self. They pick me up when I fall, carry me when I buckle under. Remind me to breathe. These ladies love me even when I forget that I too deserve love, and always, and I mean always, have my back. Yes, life will use whatever tool available to get our attention to what we most need to notice. What did you need to notice? Complete, whole, overwhelming gratitude for the way life loves me. If you are interested in what the cards are seeking to reveal to you, give Bonnie a call to schedule your in office, 1 hour Tarot Card reading today. 413-499-2419 Online Readings www.energytouchintuition.com
Jennifer BelangerHi there! Archives
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